Batch 63: Gemstone Beach Hydrogrossulars

Most of the 65 stones in Batch 63 are Gemstone Beach hydrogrossulars apart from a couple of quartzites (?) and a jasper. They had been sitting in the readies drawer probably having already been identified as smooth enough to skip Stage 1 and Stage 2. It is possible however that the argillites, jasper and other stones that aren’t hydrogrossular had a tumble in the 12lb barrel in F60grit and/or 220grit previously.

My good rockhounding friend JP has a great post here on why hydrogrossular garnets are found in Nelson and Orepuki that is worth a read.

I am already finding it difficult to track a batch of stones like I used to, especially if they tumble in the QT12 barrel for more than just Stage 1. My current thinking is that I will only tumble Stage 1 stones in the 12lb barrel and then make up a batch from Stage 2 onwards. If I am particular about what moves onto the next stage then it’s unlikely that a batch of stones will change much (other than the odd stone removed or added) from Stage 2 (220grit). That will make it much easier to track the batch.

Batch 63: 3lb Tumbler 4

Stage 1: 80/100grit

Batch 63’s stones came out of the readies drawer. As most are hydrogrossulars or argillite it’s probable that they skipped Stage 1 and Stage 2 altogether. No specific data available.

Stage 2: 220grit

As per Stage 1

Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 65
Weight in: 824g
3 Tbspns of 400grit
1 Tbspn Borax
Ceramic media added
Days Tumbling: 8
Weight out: 762g – loss of 62 grams

Pre-polish Soap Tumble: 3 hours to ensure that they are free from grit before going into polish. Even after 3 hours the water was quite grey! I use 2 tspns of grated sunlight soap plus water for this tumble.

Batch 63: Ready for Stage 3

B63 Gemstone Beach
From the Ready for 400grit drawer – most of these are hydrogrossular garnets that probably skipped Stage 1 and 2. Some of the top stones are argillite (also super smooth already) and some are quartzite(?)

Batch 63: After 400grit

B63 after 400grit
Although wet, the stones are starting to get a shine on them.

Ready to Polish

For this batch I did not premix the Tumble Polish powder and water. I’ve been following some rocktumblers on Instagram for a wee while now and as I watch their reels, they just add the powder straight into the barrel. I thought I would try this too!

I am also using less powder than I normally would if I was to go a 300ml water/powder mix. Usually I put 5 Tbspns of powder into 300mls of water. This time I am using the barrel ratio: 3lb barrel = 3Tbspns plus water filled up to just below the surface of the stones.

Stage 4: Polish Mix

Number of Stones: 65
Weight in: 754 grams
Tumble Polish powder: 3 Tbspns of polish not pre-mixed with 300mls of clean water.
1 Tbspn borax added.
Ceramic pellets added for cushioning
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 751g – loss of 3 grams

The polish mix was very grey when finished. This shows me why it’s so important to do a 24-48hour soap tumble BEFORE polish despite how well you think you wash the stones! This time I only did a 3 hour soap tumble and I now realise that this is not long enough to ensure that the majority of grit is washed out prior to polish.

Polish Complete
Batch 63 complete
Batch 63 complete – many many different hydrogrossular garnet varieties

Polished Stones of Interest: Batch 63

B63 SOIs
Hydrogrossular garnet varieties! That black on on the left is my fav.
Batch63 SOI
Argillite (mudstone) with jasper trace fossils
Polish from Batch 63
Look how grey the polish was once the stones were removed!

Batch 63 | 3lb Tumbler 4 | Gemstone Beach | pre June – 23 June 2024

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