This is the second batch tumbling stones from Kakanui. These stones were collected in the morning heading south at Seadown Beach. There was quite a […]
Batch 30: First Batch Tumbling Kakanui Stones
This is my first batch of tumbling Kakanui stones! In early September we spent the weekend just outside of Oamaru specifically to explore the beaches […]
Batch 38: Gemstone Beach and Kakanui Stones (Redos)
Batch 38 is a bit of a stone mixture. Some of the stones have been grit tumbled before and are redos. The Gemstone Beach redo […]
Batch 36: 4lb Tumbler Back on Grit Duty
Usually the 4lb tumbler is reserved for polishing duty but as there’s not a full load to polish it’s back on grit duty for Batch […]
Tumbling Log – Updated!
My tumbling log got an update! The update was mainly because I’ve decided to follow some fellow rocktumblers and not soap wash between stages but […]
Batches 31 & 32: Tumbling Stones from the Papatotara Coast
I really enjoy collecting tumbling stones from the Papatotara Coast beach and I’m twice as lucky because it’s just out the front of where we […]
Batch 29: Special Tumble and Polish
Batch 29 holds special significance for me as it involves tumbling and polishing some highly precious stones that I have been given. These stones were […]
Batch 27: Using Tin Oxide for Polish
The majority of Batch 27’s stones hail from Gemstone Beach (collected on 27 May) and from the redo holding box (probably Gemstone Beach as well). […]
Batch 28: Tumbling Stones Holding Box Backlog
Batch 28 is currently tumbling stones from the holding box. Most of these stones are pitted or scratched and come from past batches 21, 22, […]
Batch 26: A Load of Hydrogrossular Garnets
Batch 26 is a special batch because it only contains hydrogrossular garnets that I’ve found on Gemstone Beach in Orepuki, Southland. It just so happens […]