Batch 21: Stones from Gemstone Beach

3lb Tumbler Four which is the other half of my new Lortone 33B twin tumbler is now loaded up with stones from Gemstone Beach. These stones were collected during my third fossick with JP.

My tumbling log is coming in handy as I now have five batches of stones presently on the go! Batch 17 and Batch 18 are underway in 3lb Tumblers One and Two. Batch 19 is underway in the 4lb Tumbler and Batch 20 with this batch (Batch 21) are underway in 3lb Tumblers Three and Four!

Tumbler: 3lb Tumbler Four

Stage 1: 80/100grit

Number of stones: 60
All stones from Gemstone Beach – Fossick #3 with JP – 8 April 2023.
Weight in: 1011g
4 Tbspns of 80/100grit – no pellets added
Days tumbling: 15
Weight out: 904g – loss of 107g

Stage 2: 220grit

Number of stones: 60
Weight in: 904g
4 Tbspns of 220grit – pellets added
Days tumbling: 13
Weight out: 752g – loss of 152g

Stage 3: 400grit

One stone was taken out because it was chipped on the side. It is now in the holding box for a redo at 80/100grit.

Number of stones: 59
Weight in: 741g
4 Tbspns of 400grit – pellets added
Days tumbling: 12
Weight out: 640g – loss of 101g

Batch 21
Batch 21 – Pre-tumble – dry
Batch 21 – finished 400grit

Transfer to 4lb Tumbler

In Stages 4 and 5 stones from both Batch 21 and Batch 20 were combined then transfered to the 4lb tumber.

Stage 4: Polish Mix

Number of stones: 54 + 58 = 102
Weight in: 1292g
Polish Mix – pellets
Days tumbling in Polish: 13
Days tumbling in Borax: 2
Weight out: 1289g – loss of 3g

Reflection on Polish

The polish finish of these stones as mentioned in Batch 20’s post is disappointing mostly because of pits and/or cracks.

The stones not on the smaller green mat ALL have pits or chips of some description but I’m not sure if the load was too small or there weren’t enough plastic pellets for cushioning. For that reason I will need to pay closer attention to the stones/pellets/polish mix ratios in future batches.

Most of the pitted stones have been put into the holding box for a redo at 400grit however if the pits can’t be smoothed out they will be put into the garden pots outside.

Finished B20+21
Batch 20 & 21 combined for polish.

Batch 21 | 3lb Tumbler 4 | Gemstone Beach | 2 June – 14 July
4lb Tumbler | Batch 20 & Batch 21 | 14 July – 29 July 2023

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