Batch 25: Rock Hounds to Follow

The stones in Batch 25 are also from Gemstone Beach but I collected them over a year ago. Batch 24’s post mentions how intrigued I am by how much rougher these stones are to the stones I now pick up. I must be getting fussier.

Rock Hounds to follow:

Lately I’ve been watching a couple of different Rock Hounding YouTube Channels to glean more tips and techniques for getting a better finished polished stone. You might like to check out the following Rock Hounds also:

Batch 25: 3lb Tumbler Four

Stage 1: 80/100grit

Number of Stones: 60
Weight in: 996g
4 Tbspns of 80/100grit – no pellets added
Days Tumbling: 9
Weight out: 908g – loss of 88g

Stage 2: 220grit

Number of Stones: 59
Weight in: 914g
4 Tbspns of 220grit – pellets added
Days Tumbling: 9
Weight out: Didn’t weigh

Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 53
Weight in: 872g
4 Tbspns of 400grit – pellets added
Days Tumbling: 9
Weight out: 704g – loss of 168g (which seems much more than usual!)

Stage 2 saw two stones removed. One stone was added from the holding box to Stage 3. A full barrel means no pellets needed. The barrel was full so no pellets were added. There’s a two-week gap in time between the end of Stage 2 and the start of Stage 3 because I went away up North. No tumblers were running.

All of the stones in this batch were inspected closely after finishing Stage 3 (400grit). Only very smooth to the touch stones with no pits or cracks visible to the eye made it through to be polished. That means 15 of the original 53 stones were removed for a redo and placed in the holding box. That’s a lot more stones than normal that didn’t make it to the polish stage.

Transfer to 4lb Tumbler

This batch (25) went into the 4lb tumbler along with Batch 24 + Batch 26 (some hydrogrossulars that were tumbled in 3lb Tumbler 1) + Batch 28 (Redo stones from the holding box originally from B21, 22, 24 & 25). You can see how easily you can loose track of which stones are which and where they came from originally! The barrel was quite full and in hindsight it may have been a little too full.

Stage 4: Polish Mix

Number of Stones: 146 + 35
Weight in: 1869g
Polish Mix (2nd use): 9 Tbspns of polish mixed with 600mls of clean water. Pellets added.
Days Tumbling: 10

Stage 5: Burnish

2 Tbspns of Borax to clean and clear any remaining polishing mix. Pellets added.
Days Tumbling:
Weight out : 1794g loss of 102g during the polishing/borax stage

Pre-tumbling: Batch 25

Batch 25 pretumble
Batch 25 – dry – pretumble

Ready for Polish: Batch 25

B25 - finished Stage3
Recreated pre-tumble image as close as possible ??

Polished Stones of Interest: Batch 25

Banded argilite
Opaque with aqua line – my fav!
Amygdaloidal stone

Batch 25 | 3lb Tumbler Four | Gemstone Beach | 14 July – 31 August
4lb Tumbler | Batch 25, 24, 26 & 28 | Mainly Gemstone Beach stones | 15 Sept – 27 Sept 2023

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