Batch 41: 80/100 grit on Repeat

Batch 41 features a total of 82 stones with quite a number of redo stones from various places (B27-28-29) but most of them are still originate from Gemstone Beach. They all needed several tumbling cycles in 80/100 grit on repeat! As redos, those stones have already had a tumble in 80/100grit as part of their original batch. Batch 41 also did two repeat tumble cycles in 80/100 grit. It’s been disappointing with other batches when the polish finish just isn’t that shiny. Getting those stones super smooth before going into that final polish mix tumble, I believe, is the key to a great, shiny polished finish.

There’s also a special, rather large, rock included at the beginning of the batch. It came from a new friend (also a keen rockhound) who’d collected this interesting rock from the outback in Australia. I was excited to see how this one would turn out and also a little nervous about wrecking it at the same time. Turns out that it was a little softer than I thought and I ended up removing it from the second 80/100 grit repeat as it showed quite a few dents. It did make it back into this batch to be polished and given back to the special person who gave it to me.

Batch 41: 4lb Tumbler 1

Stage 1: 80/100grit

Number of Stones: 82
Weight in: Forgot to weigh!
7 Tbspns of 80/100grit
No Borax
No pellets added
Days Tumbling: 11
Weight out: 1522 grams – not sure of the total loss

Stage 1: 80/100gritRepeat

Number of Stones: 31+65-8-2=86
Weight in: 1807g
7 Tbspns of 80/100 grit
1 Tbspn Borax
No pellets added
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 1569g – loss of 238g

Stage 2: 220grit

Number of Stones: 50+74=124
Weight in: 1708g
7 Tbspns of 400grit
1 Tbspn Borax
No pellets added
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 1446g – loss of 262g

Batch 41: Pre-tumble (Dry)

Apart from the top right stone (JM gave it to me from Australian Outback) the rest of the stones are from Gemstone Beach. Particularly interested in the top four stones!
Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 124
Weight in: 1446g
7 Tbspns of 400grit
2 Tbspn Borax
Pellets added
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 1184g – loss of 262grams

Soap Tumble Pre-polish: 24 hours. Note: The stones look really smooth.

Batch 41: Redos added to Stage 1


Batch Observations

At the end of the first 80/100grit tumble 31 stones out of the 82 needed a repeat tumble in 80/100grit. The rest (50) of the stones went into the holding box to wait for the 220grit stage. After the second tumble in 80/100grit a further 12 (including the Aussie outback stone) were taken out and placed in the redo holding box for yet another tumble at 80/100grit because they were still too rough to go through to 220grit stage.

At Stage 2 (220grit) the 50 stones placed in the holding box were added back into the barrel for tumbling. I also increased the borax to two tablespoons because it’s the 4lb barrel. (Reason behind adding borax to the grit tumbles can be read here). The Aussie outback rock may skip the 220grit stage due to its softness and go into a 400grit tumble (with cushioning pellets) to see if the dents can be tumbled out with finer grit.

There’s some really cool looking red jaspers that I’m keeping my eye on in this batch!

B41 - added or redo
31 stones on right need a repeat tumble in 80/100grit. 65 stones on left added to batch (these stones were found on 28 April between the carpark to Waimeamea River across the river and then back during a fossick with JP)
B41 after 80/100grit
Some of these stones have been through 2 rounds of 80/100 grit – the top right hand corner are not going through to 220grit (12 stones including the rock from Australian Outbook) the rest are joining back up with the first round of b41 stones that have been waiting for Stage 2

Batch 40 (26 stones) was added to Batch 41 for Stage 4. There’s an amazing little turquoise stone in Batch 41 that I’ve been keeping my eye on mainly because that colour is unusual. I’d really like to know what it is.

Stage 4: Polish Mix

Number of Stones: 124+26
Weight in: I forgot to weigh!
Polish Mix (1st use): 9 Tbspns of polish mixed with 600mls of clean water. Pellets added.
Days Tumbling: 11
Weight out: 1689g

Stage 5: Burnish

2 Tbspns of Borax.
Plastic pellets added.
Days burnishing: 3

Polish Complete
Batch 41 (&Batch 40) complete
Batch 41 and Batch 40 – 150 tumbled stones

Polished Stones of Interest: Batch 41

I just love the ones with “bubbles” plus it’s green!
SOI b41
Squiggles galore!
SOI b41
The cutest turquoise you’ve ever seen! ID anyone?

Batch 41 | 4lb Tumbler 1 | Gemstone Beach | 21 November 2023 – 19 January 2024

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