Batch 57: Picture Stones from Gemstone Beach

A type of stone that you can find on Gemstone Beach, according to this poster (available from Te Hikoi Museum in Riverton for $5) is a picture stone. (see bottom left of poster).

I’ve not really thought much about picture stones until the close inspection of the latest stones I’ve been tumbling. This batch has quite a few “picture stones” in it and they are just gorgeous!

After trying to research more about picture stones I’m afraid I came up empty handed! There’s no mention of picture stones in any of the New Zealand Rocks and Mineral books I have (Like Rocks & Minerals of New Zealand or New Zealand Gemstones or even The Field Guide to New Zealand Geology). It’s only mentioned on the Gemstone Beach – Sample Stones poster.

From my limited geology knowledge I am guessing that the name picture stones comes from the way the stones look. Kind of like a picture with perhaps what looks like ground with a tree or bush and sky or maybe it’s like what you might see out the window – a bit of greenery with sky and mountains? I think some of the images I have shared in this post might give you a better idea than my written explanation!

Batch 57: 3lb Tumbler 3

All stones are from Gemstone Beach. They have been tumbled in F60grit for at least 10 days (some have tumbled twice in F60grit) and have also been tumbled in 220grit for at least 10 days.

Stage 2: 220grit

Number of Stones: 54
Weight in: 760g
2 Tbspns of 220grit
No borax added (I’ve run out)
Ceramic Media added
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 643g – loss of 117g

8 stones removed (4 back to Stage 1; 2 to repeat Stage 2; and 2 stones discarded completely (into garden).

Batch 57
From 3lbT4 and 3lbT3 these Gemstone Beach stones are ready to tumble in 600grit for 7 days
Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 46+6=52
Weight in: 604g
2 Tbspns of 400grit
No borax added
Plastic pellets added
Days Tumbling: 11
Weight out: 559g – loss of 45g

Observation Notes

After Stage 3, so many “picture stones” which are very cool looking. 40/52 readies with remaining 12 identified with small pits (holes) but going to allow all stones to go through to a 600grit for 7 days.

Adding 34 stones from 3lbT3 to the 600grit (helps make up the load).

Stage 4: 600grit

Number of Stones: 52+34=86
Weight in: 851g
2 Tbspns of 600grit
No borax added
Plastic Pellets added
Days Tumbling: 7
Weight out: 755grams – loss of 96grams

Before adding stones to the Tumble Polish mix, a 3 hour soap tumble was done to help remove any remain grit.

Ready to Polish

Stage 5: Polish

Number of Stones: 86
Weight in: 755g
Tumble Polish Mix – 5 Tbspns of polish + 300mls of water – 2nd use.
Plastic pellets added.
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: did not weigh

48 hour tumble in 1 Tbspn of borax for a final clean.

I was really pleased with the overall final result/shine of these stones!

Batch 57: Polish Complete
B57 complete
Beautiful shiny result for Batch 57 – am very pleased with the changes I’ve made to my tumbling process.

Polished Stones of Interest: Batch 57

B57 SOIs
E – tiny poppy jaspar. B – quartzite with jasper veins?
D – Quartzite with epidote & feldspar?
B57 SOIs
H, J & M – I think are picture stones – just gorgeous!

Batch 57 | 3lb Tumbler 3 | Gemstone Beach | Mid March9 May 2024

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