Batch 62: Slope Point Nuggets

It took three F60grit (Stage 1) tumble cycles before there were enough Slope Point nuggets (stones) ready to make up Batch 62 to carry onto Stage 2. That makes it a bit hard to track the early days of the batch. I did take quite a few photos of the stones as they went through the F60grit so you can spot the stones that made it into Batch 62 and the ones that didn’t.

Getting to Slope Point

Slope Point is the southernmost point on the South Island of New Zealand and is accessible via a 20 minute walk across private farmland. However, if you drive past the “Slope Point carpark” for a little way, there is place on the side of the road to park and you can walk down a track, go through two gates, and keep walking until you get down to the beach to fossick for stones. My good friend and fellow rock-tumbler JP has a great post here about accessing the place he calls “Bach Beach”. It is also the same post about the trip I joined him on and these stones are from that trip. My post about that trip can be found here.

Batch 62: 3lb Tumbler 2

Stage 1: F60grit (x3)
Slope Point finished stage 1
16 April: readies (37-1) and 6+1 redos
Slope Point
22 April: Stage 1 (with some redos)
3lbT2 after F60grit
2 May: Left side readies – middle not sure – right side repeat F60grit
Stage 2: 220grit

Number of Stones: 66
Weight in: 916g
2 Tbspns of 220grit
No Borax
No Pellets added
Days Tumbling: 9
Weight out: 816g – loss of 100 grams

Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 66
Weight in: 816g
2 Tbspns of 400grit
No Borax
Ceramic media added
Days Tumbling: 8
Weight out: 746g – loss of 70 grams

Pre-polish Soap Tumble: 24 hours in 2 tspns of grated sunlight soap & water. The water was quite frothy and grey after the soap tumble.
Looked closely at stones but didn’t use the headband magnifier.

Batch 62: After 220grit

Slope point

Batch 62: After 400grit

B62 Slope Point

Ready to Polish

Usually 5 Tbspns of Tumble Polish powder is mixed with 300mls of water for the polish tumble. Several rock-tumblers that I have been following on Instagram add the powder without mixing it with water so I have decided to give this a try with a couple of batches of stones. I am curious to see what difference this makes to the final shine. I am also decreasing the amount of powder I use as well and using the barrel size ratio – 3lb = 3 Tbspns.

Stage 4: Polish Mix

Number of Stones: 66
Weight in: 746g
Tumble Polish: 3 Tbspns. Note: Did not pre-mix the powder with water.
Ceramic media added for cushioning.
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 745g – loss of: 1 gram

Stage 5: Borax Clean

2 Tbspns of borax, plastic pellets for cushioning – 48 hours tumbling. Loss 2grams!

Polish Complete
Batch 62 polished
Batch 62 complete!

Polished Stones of Interest: Batch 62

I think this is a chrysanthemum stone that Jocelyn Thorton talks about in her “NZ Gemstones” book
Cool greyness to this quartz (?)
Not your usual Slope Point stone …
Just love all the different parts of this conglomerate stone!
This one is a favourite (even though it’s not perfectly tumbled!) I think it’s volcanic due to the way it looks.
This is your usual Slope Point pick up – I think it’s rhyolite.

If you would like a PDF copy of Jocelyn Thornton’s NZ Gemstones, you can download it from here and print it out! It’s a wealth of information especially for stones that you might find in Orepuki (Gemstone Beach) and at Slope Point!

Batch 62 | 3lb Tumbler 2 | Slope Point | 16 April – 20 June 2024

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