Batch 77: Sold on Mr Grit 220grit

I’ve been using Mr Grit 220 grit for Stage 2 in quite a few batches now and the quality of it is really good. It smooths out the stones as expected at Stage 2 and the clincher for me is that the price including postage makes it way cheaper for me to purchase.

I am looking forward to being able to purchase some mixed ceramic media and some Aluminium Oxide (8000grit) from Mr Grit very soon! I’ll be comparing Polish Tumble Mix with the 8000grit Aluminum Oxide so keep an eye out for that post! If you want to purchase Mr Grit’s grit, he’s on Facebook – check him out!

The stones in Batch 77 have come from a few other batches that needed clearing out from the readies/redo drawers. Three are originally from Batch 70 – they still need smoothing out (redos); Another three are from Batch 71 that weren’t ready for polish along with the rest of the batch (redos); Another three were originally in Batch 64 but they had pits/bruising that need smoothing out (redos); The rest of the stones were from the readies drawer for Stage 3 (400grit).

Batch 77: 3lb Tumbler 2

Stage 2: Mr Grit 220grit

Number of Stones: 26
Weight in: 737g
3 Tbspns of 220grit
1 Tbspn Borax
Ceramic media added plus small smooth stones
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: 668g – loss of 69 grams

Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 26
Weight in: 668g
3 Tbspns of 220grit
1 Tbspn Borax
Ceramic media added plus small smooth stones
Days Tumbling: 7
Weight out: 608g – loss of 60 grams

After a close inspection found 7 stones not quite ready for polish. Decided to repeat 400grit for all stones for another 7 days.

Repeat Stage 3: 400grit

Number of Stones: 26
Weight in: 608g
3 Tbspns of 400grit
1 Tbspn Borax
Ceramic media added
Days Tumbling: 14!!
I forgot to write this in the books and lost track of this tumbler!
Weight out: 501g – loss of 107 grams

Batch 77: Pre-tumble

The stones making up Batch 77 – potentially!

Batch 77: After 400grit

B77 after 400grit
Ooops spent 14 days in 400grit – Left side ready for polish; right side redo in 400grit

In the video “Readies & Redos” below I show you the stones that I’m not allowing through to polish and share why I think they need redoing or not. This was a great exercise for me to do “out loud” as it made me verbalise and be able to share the thinking I do with all the stones at the end of Stage 3 in any batch I tumble.

The “readies” from Batch 77 were held in the basket for polish and the 13 “redos” plus 4 more stones from the Stage 3 readies drawer did another 400grit tumble cycle.

Stage 3: 400grit (3x for some)

Number of Stones: 13+4
Weight in: 454g
3 Tbspns of 400grit
No borax
Ceramic media added plus small smooth stones
Days Tumbling: 11
Weight out: 396g – loss of 107 grams

Added to B77
The 4 stones added to 400grit tumble
B77 after 400grit
Left and middle stones going through to ready for polish – 4 stones on right (3) back to stage 2 (220grit) and the pink one is out because it’s too porous to take a polish.

Ready to Polish

B77 reunited

Reunited! The left hand side stones (13) from the second tumble in 400grit have been waiting for the 3rd repeat 400grit stones (13) to be ready for polish!

To help make a full load for polishing Batch 78 (58 stones) has been added to Batch 77. It is possible that the barrel is overloaded as rather than the usual ⅔ barrel, this one is filled to the ¾ mark!

Stage 4: Polish Mix

Number of Stones: 13+13=26+58=84
Weight in: 1093g
Polish Mix (2nd use): Already mixed
Plastic Pellets added for cushioning
Days Tumbling: 10
Weight out: Not weighed

Stage 5: Burnishing

Number of Stones: 84
1 Tbspn of borax with water
Days Tumbling: 4

Polish Complete
B77 Polish complete
Batch 77 tumbled and polished

Polished Stones of Interest: Batch 77

A: Interesting quartz veins
B: Banded argillite
C: Veins of epidote or diopside?
D: Interesting turquoise colour, has quartz veins & iron oxide staining
E: Epidote veins
F: Interrupted bands of iron oxide in this mudstone
G: Saved my favourite for last! Anything with pistachio green (epidote) catches my eye! It’s floating in quartz with some feldspar around the edges perhaps.

Batch 77 | 3lb Tumbler 2 | Gemstone Beach | July – 16 October 2024

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