Breccia (pronounced bre-CHE-a) is a funky type of sedimentary rock that’s actually composed of large angular broken fragments of other rocks that get cemented together by […]
Batch 78: From Gemstone Beach to Tumbler
The majority of stones I tumble are from Gemstone Beach. It is not often that the stones go straight from the beach to the tumbler […]
Batch 77: Sold on Mr Grit 220grit
I’ve been using Mr Grit 220 grit for Stage 2 in quite a few batches now and the quality of it is really good. It […]
Quartz vs Quartzite: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference is between quartz and quartzite? Below are the definitions of both which is helping me to understand is the distinction between […]
Batch 74: Gemstone Beach Readies
Batch 74 stones came from the Gemstone Beach readies drawer having previously tumbled in F60grit in the QT12 barrel. As the 12lb barrel is so […]
Batch 75: A Rockhound’s Paradise
A rockhound’s paradise, Gemstone Beach is becoming more and more popular. Not so long ago the carpark would be empty upon arrival and maybe 2-3 […]
Batch 72: New Grit Supplier
There’s a new grit supplier in town! (Unfortunately not in my town though!) Mr Grit (MrGrit on FB) has just started out as a lapidary […]
Batch 73: Ready for Stage 2
Using the QT12 (12lb barrel) for Stage 1 (F60grit) means that the Stage 2 (220grit) readies drawer for Gemstone Beach stones fills up very quickly. […]
Batch 71: Double Barrels not Turning? A Solution
Are the double barrels not turning on your rock tumbler? Is the drive shaft turning, belt tension is fine but the barrels just won’t turn […]
Batch 70: Newbies and Redos
Before these stones officially became Batch 70 the majority of them had already tumbled once in F60grit. Out of the 50 stones, 33 were ready […]