My tumbling log got an update! The update was mainly because I’ve decided to follow some fellow rocktumblers and not soap wash between stages but add a tablespoon of borax to each grit load. I also felt that I needed more room for note taking especially since I seem to be removing and adding several stones during each batch.
I’ve gone back and forth in my head about how to share the tumbling journey of each batch of stones. One idea I have been mulling over quite seriously these last few weeks is to not make the stones a “batch” until they are going to polish. If that’s what I end up doing then I really do need more note taking room and my logs will need to be really comprehensive.
Both versions are available to download a copy for yourself if you’d like – just click the image(s) below and a PDF file will automatically download to your device. Feel free to adapt to make it work for you and your tumbling machines!
Let me know if you use it! I’d love to hear how it goes or if you modify it too! Hope you find it useful! Leave a comment below!
Appreciate this access. Thanks so much!