What a Difference a Storm Makes

I can’t believe what a difference a storm and some heavy rainy days can make. Gemstone Beach always surprises me after a storm. Sometimes it’s a good surprise other times it is a “not so good” surprise. Like a week ago when I went for a little fossick.

Unfortunately a fossick was almost impossible as the beach looked like this …

Gemstone Beach - Mid May
Gemstone Beach

There were hardly any stones at all and even crossing the Taunoa Stream was impossible! The banks of the stream were completely washed away (along with all the stones too!)

The amount of driftwood washed up on the beach was mind-blowing and I could not believe that this was the Gemstone Beach that I’d been fossicking on many times over the last month!

There were a few stones on the beach if you headed to the left of the car park but it was pretty slim pickings and it certainly wasn’t the Gemstone Beach that we know and love. I felt quite sorry for a tourist couple that called in as I explained to them that this wasn’t what Gemstone Beach was usually like!

It just shows you how much of a difference a few days of stormy seas and heavy rain can make!

Taunoa Stream - Gemstone Beach

A Week Later …

Thankfully a week or so later the stones were back and I was able to go for a little fossick on Saturday May 27th. The day was quite overcast, but it wasn’t raining and it wasn’t too cold (although my nose might not agree with me!)

Unfortunately crossing the Waimeamea River was impossible as there is still no bank to walk around on the carpark side and it was quite deep even at low tide. Where it was shallow enough to cross the bank of stones was too steep and too loose to climb up safely (Ohla dog showed me that when she tried to cross and climb!)

I am not complaining though because on my way back (about half way between Waimeamea River and the carpark) I spotted and picked the biggest poppy jasper I’ve ever found so far! I can not wait to polish this beauty and I’ll be sure to track it’s progress too.

Here it is again, up close!

Poppy Jasper
Waimeamea River - Gemstone Beach
Waimeamea River – stones hard up against the bank where we usually walk around to cross further upstream
Poppy Jasper
Poppy Jasper

So glad I went for a fossick today. Thanks Gemstone Beach – glad to have you back in fine form after the stormy days!

3 Replies to “What a Difference a Storm Makes”

  1. I am so glad the beach wasn’t like this when we visited. Would have been devastated.
    Congrats on the poppy jasper find and for this impressive blog. So much useful information and great photos.

    1. Hi Wendy!
      Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad that Gemstone Beach doesn’t go like this often! And I’m glad that you are finding the information and photos useful!

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